I think it is so important to embrace our “Natural” selves. To accept one’s self is often difficult in a world fueled by standards that are often not realistic. It was only right for me to take that truth and make something that everyone could be proud of and wear.

Embracing yourself is often difficult.We live in a world where perfection is the ultimate goal. I’m not saying don't strive to be the best, but your best may be different from the next person.I always tell my clients to embrace their hair and never try to compare themselves to others. 


As I approach the final days of being the fiancé to becoming his wife, it was only proper to have a bridal shower hosted by the people that I hold dear. A mixture of family, friends and very close clients were all in attendance.

Hi, guys London here! I began this entire journey with a study focus in business marketing.  Aspiring to become some top notch shot calling beauty branding advertising guru, so I moved to New York, NY shortly after graduating college. I worked in the fashion industry for a couple years in public relations and also in the wholesale division...

Daily Scalp Care

For your dry scalp (especially as we bare these cold winter months) place coconut oil with a few drops of tea tree or peppermint oil on your fingertips and massage your scalp...


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